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3.1 Convert the disk.raw file to a VMDK

Objective: Use qemu-img to convert the raw disk extracted from the XVA file in our working directory to a vmdk file for the ability to import in VMWare.

Step 1. Navigate to a location that you would like to work from. In my scenario, I am working from my user's home directory in a folder name 'XVA VMs'
Belows is a screenshot of my working directory


Step 2. Before you run the command, you need to ensure that you install qemu-utils. Once you ensured that qemu-utils is installed, you need to run the following command below:
qemu-img convert -f raw -O vmdk disk.raw satire-wordpress.vmdk
You can name the vmdk whatever you like, this is just specific to my scenario
That is all there is to it. Just let this process run and you will have usable VMDK that can now utilize in VMWare products.